
Discurso Direto-3ª parte (3/3)

Para relatar uma frase que foi dita por alguém no passado, usamos um verbo introdutório, como say, tell, explain, em sua forma no passado (said, told, explained), e depois a frase dita, com as devidas alterações de acordo com a tabela abaixo:

Direct Speech Reported Speech Example

Simple Present Simple Past He said: "I want some oranges."
He said he wanted some oranges.

Present Continuous Past Continuous They said: "We are studying hard."
They said they were studying hard.

Simple Past Past Perfect She said: "I needed you, but uou weren't here."
She said she had needed him, but he hadn't been there.

Past Continuous Past Perf. Contin. Tom said: "I was talking to Mary."
Tom said he had been talking to Mary.

Present Perfect Past Perfect They said: "We've worked together."
They said they had worked together.

Going to- Future Was/were going to. I said: "I'm going to visit Jim"!
I said I was going to visit Jim"

Must Had to* She told me: "I must hurry up."
She told me she had to hurry up.

Atenção! Pronomes Pessoais, Pronomes Objetivos, Pronomes e Adjetivos Possessivos devem ser trocados de acordo com o contexto da frase:

Ex.: "I will call my father", said Angela.
Angela said she would call her father.

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