
Discurso Direto-2ª parte(2/3)

Se no discurso direto o verbo estiver no Presente não haverá mudança no tempo verbal no discurso indireto:

Discurso direto (Direct speech): She says, “The night is coming”.
Discurso indireto (Reported speech): She says (that) the night is coming.

Outras palavras ou expressões também devem ser alteradas para que a frase fique correta:

here -> there
this afternoon -> that afternoon
next day -> the next day, the following day
last day -> the day before, the previous day
ago -> before
today -> that day
now = then, at that moment;
tonight = that night;
yesterday = the day before;
tomorrow = the next day, the following day;
next week = the following week;
last month = the previous month;
a year ago = a year before.

- Mary said: "I will stay here, waiting for you"
- Mary said that she would stay there, waiting for him

(nesse exemplo, podemos trocar ou não o you por him. Caso o ouvinte da frase seja a pessoa a qual Mary esperou, continua you)

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